Sarah Morgan

Healthcare Geek.
Professional Communicator.

mistaken identity Personal

Mistaken Identity: 893-918

Oh, there are so many. I just realized how many. But what should I do when I get to 1,000? I feel like that one should get an award or something.

Some in this batch I’m not copying in, because most all of it would be redacted since I care for their privacy better than they do. They include:

I’ve declared a winner, by the way: the Midwestern Other Me gets dumbest email. If a normal email addresss is “[email protected],” hers is “[email protected].” Now how is that NOT going to confuse people?

Other shenanigans and tomfoolery include:

And a couple verbatim:

From: Matt
Re: Diving

Hi Sarah,

Sorry you’ve had to leave lodge, but good luck going it alone. Let me know if you need any more technical help, always happy to help.

I was looking to do the 5 courses that I started on my advanced open water which were:
Peak performance buoyancy
That may change once I’ve done my intro to tec this weekend though 😉
Also, I know you were the one organising the Galapagos trip, so is that still happening and if it is, is it via you or lodge or both?


* * *

From: Hong

Re: Architectural Modification Response to Hearing Notice

(The attached file shows that, unfortunately, Hong is getting divorced and selling his home in a new gated community in California, and Other Me apparently is the person he has to submit that documentation to.)

Hi Sarah,

Please review the attached response letter to Architectural Modification. My wife plan to attend the hearing. The modification has been under way, but there are some hurdles due to windy weather and family issues.

Please let me know when and where the hearing will take place.

Hong and Xiaohua


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