Sarah Morgan

Healthcare Geek.
Professional Communicator.


Spinning Plates

I’ve had two different people say to me today that they hadn’t heard much from me in a while. In both cases, it’s very true. And I don’t really like that.

The different facets of life seem like a lot in recent weeks.

And while all of this is real, I also realize that comparatively, it’s paltry. It’s a cakewalk. Because I’m just ME. I’ve got one job, I’ve got a manageable little condo, I haven’t got a husband, I haven’t got kids, I haven’t even got any pets. And yet still I can’t keep it all in a balance that I’m satisfied with. So what can I do about it?

But what else can I do? What else do YOU do?

Tonight, I’m dealing with one of those rapid-onset “but I went to bed FINE” sick days that knocked me sideways as soon as I opened my eyes in the morning. So now I get my comforter. And more trying again tomorrow.



This product intrigues me – might fit for your multiple responsibilities and love of lists.

Sarah Morgan

You guys are right, I think. Not that I don’t already write anything down – anybody who knows me knows my deep abiding relationship with my planner – but maybe there’s a better way I can do it.

Food for thought.


Karen’s right.
Eat That Frog (required reading in TKD for black belts) by Brian Tracy. Brian says to “Think on Paper.” Write everything down.


One word: list. It feels SO GOOD to cross things off it. And put EVERYTHING on it. Even the things you feel like you shouldn’t have to put on a list to get done. Even the thing you’re planning to do in five minutes. Because then you get to cross something off right away. I have been pretty lazy/whiny/procrastinat-y lately and I made a list today and I cross like 6 things off of it already and that was all AFTER lunch. Do it.

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